Saturday, November 6, 2010

My 'I Almost Missed My Flight' Story... But Really, I Almost Did.

So after seven weeks in China and a week alone in Thailand, I was ready to be in San Francisco when August 21st rolled around. I was beyond ready. I remember my two days in Koh Phangnan were spent drinking every flavor lassi and watching Friends at those restaurants along the Hadrin beach. The beach and atmosphere just didn't compare to Koh Tao, and while its definitely a party place, its not ideal for lonesome travelers. So on August 21st I took a taxi to the port, from which I took the ferry to the mainland, from which I took a bus to the train station and enjoyed myself Pad Thai for the last time. After waiting at the station for awhile I realized the train was late... and going to be delayed a couple hours. Interesting. Does this mean I'll have less time to meander over to the airport? Yes. This means I might not make my flight. I spent a good 20 minutes talking to the station official trying to figure out when the train would arrive, how long the ride from Surat Thani to Bangkok would take, and if maybe not getting on the train was a better option. See, the train was supposed to leave around 11:30pm, and it was now nearing 1am. With an 11 hour train ride ahead of me and my flight from Bangkok airport at 2:15pm..... my chances were slim. Tears started roll down my cheeks as I understood I would probably miss my flight to Hong Kong, which then meant I'd miss my separate flight home to San Francisco. Oh and well that means losing a few (2-3) thousand dollars. Less than an ideal situation no? All I wanted was to be in the front seen of my mom's green mini van... with her driving by my side. I could imagine exactly how it was going to feel, the stress and anticipation melting away... but it was so damn far away. So I had a choice, to get on the train or to try to get a flight out of the tiny Surat Thani airport in the morning to get to Bangkok by noon. The expats suggested I do that. But then again, what if there were no flights available? Is the tiny airport even open? Where is it? "Call them" Cool guys, I'll just use that handy dandy iPhone that I brought backpacking with me.

The train arrived past 1am. I wiped my tears and I boarded. I didn't see the point in not getting on because even if I missed my flight I might as well get as close to Bangkok airport as possible. Better be stranded there than down here, I thought. So I got on my top bunk, pulled across my curtain and thought about how my mom was probably going to arrive to the SF airport and have no idea I missed my flight. That just got my crying... so yes, I cried myself to sleep. I felt so deeply and utterly alone that night, definitely a feeling I will forget. It didn't help that air-con trains are absolute ice boxes. And its not like I have a sweater or anything of the sort with me when I'm island hopping in Thailand. But back to the pain...  Journal Entry next morning:
"Cried myself to sleep last night on the train. it was almost 1:30am the train was over 2 hours late. I'm awake now sitting with this incredibly kind Thai woman who when I woke up already had 3 #s to call for Ethiopian airlines. There is a very, very good chance I will miss my flight to Hong Kong. Breathe. last night was miserable. Crying.... to the 2 German girls, to the mom with 2 kids, to the information counter man...I really have no idea what is going to happen. The airline counter closes at 1:30pm and I am supposed to arrive at the station at 1pm. Maybe. I guess I'll just sit here and look out the window. I mean what else can I do? I have no control right now, deal with it."

I was strangely accepting that I had absolutely no control over what happened, but things were being taken care of as I just sat there. I was able to talk to an airline person. It didn't do much, but I at least told them. A different woman arranged to have a taxi waiting for me, and he was told my situation and to speed like a madman. It happened to be a Saturday so there was no traffic, which is uncommon in Bangkok. The train arrived a bit earlier to Bangkok that expected.
I had angels watching over me. I had checked a suitcase at the airport a week earlier when I arrived to Bangkok and I had long accepted that I would ditch the suitcase just to get on my flight.... but I was even able to get my suitcase at the airport.
I walked right onto my flight, without a stop, without a second guess.
I made my flight to Hong Kong. I MADE IT. My heart beats faster when I even think about that rush, running from the taxi, running frantically looking for the single Ethiopian Airlines counter, speeding on the freeway and weaving through cars and hot pink taxis.

My Thai Angel & her cell phone
Another insert: "I bet they all think I am doomed. They're probably right, but I have to hold on to every bit of hope right? I don't see how this painful experience will do me any good except drill in me never to book transportation so close to eachother. That, I have already learned, so lets just get things to go my way today
and get me on my flight!!I am willing to leave my suitcase behind! It can stay at the luggage counter forever for all I care. ANYTHING to make my flight! AHHHHHHH"

That ride home with my mom, in her van, was even better than I had imagined.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, me alegra que llegaras a tiempo. Dile por favor a tu madre Ana (Pepa) Perez que soy Luis Oliveros, que llevo intentando encontrar su direccion de email desde hace varios años y que fortuitamente, en su lugar, te he encontrado a ti, asi que dile que me contacte por favor a mi direccion de email que debe recordar de antaño
    Te deje el mismo mensaje en Linkedin. Vivo en Guatemala. Me puede llamar a Skype por la noche Luis.skype2008. Gracias, un abrazo, Luis Oliveros
    q Gracias, un abrazo
