Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jumping Whales

You know those moments that seem to stand out more vividly than any other part of a day, trip or year? I have lots of those moments. Seeing jumping hump back whales is one of them.

My best friend and I were on an idyllic beach on the main island of Hawaii and as we're floating about in the water we see out of the corner of our eye a whale stretch out of the water, and flop back down. He had to be several miles out in the ocean, but there was no mistaking how big he was and how lucky we were to witness him in his natural habitat. Then two smaller whales jumped, one after the other.

Really cool--is what I can say in reflection. It was an unplanned moment with nature, in which we didn't pay to go whale watching and we were satisfied with the moment to begin with.

I have no pictures, no videos. Just that memory, of jumping whales.

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